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Welcome to St. Joseph Old Cathdral

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear?

We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you're joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you're wearing. In the summertime, it's not uncommon to see people wearing sandals, shorts, and a shirt. We prefer to still put on their "Sunday best". However, we do request that shorts be of a conservative length (no “short-shorts”) and that in general, clothing be respectable and conservative.

How do I get to St. Joseph Old Cathedral ?

Our parish is located at

307 NW 4th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73102.

Where should I park?

There is plenty of Parking behind the church building!

I’m not Catholic, how do I know when to sit, stand and kneel?

There’s no need to be self-conscious about the postures and responses used during worship. Most visitors just follow the lead of our parishioners. However, we do have worship aids located in each pew that provide you with the order of the mass, the postures, and the words of each prayer. If you don't see a worship aid in your pew, ask an usher, and they will be happy to bring you one.

I’m not Catholic. Is it okay for me to participate in Communion?

Communion, or The Eucharist, is the most intimate expression of our faith. Catholics believe that the host is literally the body of Christ, transformed from bread by the priest presiding over the service. Most evangelicals think of Communion as symbolic, so it makes sense that they are not as strict about having the right relationship with it as Catholics and Orthodox Christians, who believe it is a sacrament and the true presence of Christ. So, if you are not Catholic, we ask that you not receive Communion. However, those not receiving the Body of Christ and Precious blood are invited to come forward with their hands crossed over their chests for a special blessing.

Am I expected to put money into the offering?

If you are visiting with us, we don't expect you to put money into the offering, and you are welcome to just let it pass you by. If you consider our parish your church home, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving to our parish on a weekly basis. You can give by check or cash during the service, or you can sign up for online giving here. 

  • Join the Parish

    Become a part of the St. Joseph Old Cathedral family. Whether you are new to the area or seeking a spiritual home, we welcome you to join our vibrant parish community and participate in the life of the church.

    Join the Parish
  • Staff & Ministry Heads

    Meet the dedicated staff and ministry leaders who guide the spiritual and community life at St. Joseph Old Cathedral. From the pastoral team to the lay volunteers, this diverse group of individuals work tirelessly to serve the faithful.

    Staff & Vounteers
  • Parish Patron Saint

    St. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, is the patron saint and namesake of this historic cathedral. His life of humility, hard work, and devotion to family serve as a model for the faithful who gather here.

    Parish Patron Saint
  • About Parish Council

    The Parish Council at St. Joseph Old Cathedral serves as an advisory body, providing guidance and support to the clergy and staff as they work to fulfill the church's mission. This dedicated group of parishioners represents the diverse voices and needs of the community.

    Parish Council
  • Safe Environment

    Ensuring the safety and well-being of all who enter our doors is of the utmost importance at St. Joseph Old Cathedral. 

    Safe Environment
  • Church History

    The historic St. Joseph Old Cathedral, a landmark in the heart of the city, stands as a testament to the rich Catholic heritage of the community. With its elegant Gothic architecture and captivating stained-glass windows, the cathedral offers a peaceful sanctuary for worship and reflection.

  • Recving the Sacraments (Children & Adults)

    Encounter the transformative power of the Catholic faith through the sacraments celebrated at St. Joseph Old Cathedral. From Baptism to Matrimony, our pastoral team guides the faithful in these sacred rites that draw us closer to God. We also offer comprehensive OCIA programs for adults and robust religious education for children to nurture the faith of all who enter our doors.

  • Becoming Catholic

    Seeking to embrace the Catholic faith? The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) at St. Joseph Old Cathedral provides a welcoming and transformative journey to the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.

    Becoming Catholic
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