St. Joseph Old Cathedral




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SJOC Mass Intentions

SJOC Mass Intentions

 Saturday: 3/30

8:00pm: For the people of the parish

 Sunday: 3/31

8am: For the people of the parish

10am:  For the people of the parish

12pm: For the repose Soul of Mario Gonzales

4pm: For the people of the parish

 Monday: 4/1

12pm: For the intentions of the confirmation Class

 Tuesday: 4/2

12pm: For the repose soul of Juan Diego Hernandez

 Wednesday: 4/3

12pm: For the repose soul of Sergio Aguilar

 Thursday: 4/4

12:00pm: For the repose soul of Manuel Armenz

Friday: 4/5

12:00pm: For the repose soul of Emily Blair   

Confession Schedule


Normal Weekly & Weekend Schedule:

Monday-Friday 10:45-11:45am 

Saturdays  3:00pm (English & Spanish)

Sundays 11:15-11:45 (English & Spanish)

Mass Times

Monday-Friday: 12:00pm 

Saturday: 4:00pm Vigil 

Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am,
12:00pm (Spanish) and 4:00pm. 


Prayer Requests

Church Hours

The Church keeps its doors open to visitors Monday-Friday from 10am-2pm.

After 2pm please stop by the office. Thank you!

La Iglesia abre sus puertas para todos los visitantes de lunes a viernes de 10am-2pm. Despues de las 2, porfavor de ir a la oficina. Gracias 

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
